Chelsea’s goalkeeper Petr Cech has been selected as Chelsea’s player of the year 2010.”I’ll never grow tired of this, it’s a great honour,” said the 28-year-old Cech, with 78 appearances for the Czech national team, after being picked by players, coaches, officials and journalists.
“I’m glad my work has been valued as excellent, and I believe this is not the last time I’m here,” added Cech, who won ahead of Arsenal midfielder Tomas Rosicky and Atletico Madrid defender Tomas Ujfalusi.
The ceremony was held two days before the 80th birthday of Czech midfielder Josef Masopust, the 1962 Ballon D’Or winner and playmaker of the Czechoslovak team that made it to the final of the World Cup in Chile in the same year.
The celebration lured scores of football celebrities to Prague, including FIFA boss Sepp Blatter and Portuguese legend Eusebio, while Brazilian icon and Masopust’s rival Pele sent his congratulations in a video message played at the ceremony.